Watch our Membership celebration series that brings out how we address diversity of voices from different regions and faiths. Our vision is to grow towards being a globally trusted platform for inter faith collaboration.
Given the persistence of hatred, conflict and suffering, there’s urgency to uncover and amplify life-giving texts, traditions and practices that uphold human dignity and that speak in support of peace, justice and healing, and a world in which every human being is of equal value. Our sacred texts and practices underscore the importance of working together for the common good beyond our own religious community. We need to strengthen processes of translating life-giving theologies and practice into practical actions that improve human dignity. We need to equip ourselves with knowledge and skills to speak out against hatred, injustice, violence and abuse of power. Shared learning and know-how will emerge directly from examples of lived experiences and practice.
The The Inter-religious Convention 2023 under the theme, Faith change-makers: Affirming human dignity, justice, and freedom took place in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 3rd to 6th December 2023. The convention brought together over 200 members of different faiths and faith organizations, in collaboration with civil society, intergovernmental organizations, academia, and youth actors. The main aim was to reaffirm the role of interfaith actors in addressing peaceful communities, family health and well-being, and freedom of religious beliefs. Faith to Action Network working alongside its partners brought into perspective the importance of global inter-faith convenings reinforcing the capacity to marshal diverse stakeholders to sit and engage in transformative dialogue and unity. The success of the convention once again reinforced Faith to Action leadership position in the global interfaith space.
The conference brought to the fore the interconnected stories of environmental harmony, reproductive health advocacy, leadership empowerment, and interfaith collaboration. It underscored Faith to Action Network’s commitment to fostering unity, promoting shared values, and creating lasting positive change on a global scale. Download the 2023 Inter-Religious Convention Special Newsletter.